Episode # 5 – Resettlement and Resilience

Welcome to the final episode of this series, Resettlement and Resilience.

In this episode we’ll hear stories of how people came to Australia and what that has been like; and the ways in which, over the decades, Australian immigration policies have shaped the experiences of different migrant groups, including those from South Sudan.

We’ll also hear about the impact of the new civil war in South Sudan on the communities in Australia, and their efforts to help family members caught up yet again in conflict, and their support and efforts for peace.

Episode Notes:

Thank you to Akol Miyen Kuol for permission to use his poem, O Peace Come, from his collection, The Last Train and to Ajak Kwai for permission to use songs from her album, Of cows, women and war.

We acknowledge as sources for this episode Sharon Hutchinson’s 2000 paper, Nuer ethnicity militarized, and background papers written by Graeme Hugo and Andrew Jakubowicz for the Australian Human Rights Commission’s review, African Australians.

Further information about the series and full source references can be found at morningsidesoundproductions.com

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